News, Notices
and Announcements

Calendar Updates:

Quarterly Board Meeting; Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in room 206 in the Curtis Memorial Library.

          If members of the BPCOA Board are unable to attend, please contact our Secretary, Caroline Sample

          Current BP COA Board: President Ginny Harrington Culgin, Treasurer Stephen W. Sawyer, Secretary Caroline Sample, Gary Pinder, David Fieldgate, Janet Watkinson, John Sunderland ex officio Susie Mendenhall, Property Manager: Amie Howard

NOTE CHANGE: Annual Membership Meeting: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 12:00 noon. in the Merrill Room, Curtis Memorial Library.

           For those unable to attend at this time, the meeting will be available via Zoom.

Botany Place Women's Monthly Book Group Being Revived

Before COVID, we had an active monthly BP women's book group. It was unusual because there were no assigned books. Instead, each woman shared 1 or 2 current favorite "reads" - or possibly a favorite movie or play. This way, we all learned about many enjoyable books or theater experiences we could try on our own. Meetings were held in a member's living room on a rotating basis.

Barb Warner has offered to start re-hosting a book group at her condo, likely on a consistent afternoon each month. Are you interested? Please let us know so we can start planning a first revival meeting. Masks will be welcome.

Email:  Sue Stableford:

Please put "BP Book Group" in the subject line.

Please share with female BP neighbors who might be interested.

If we get responses from 10-15 women, we will get back in touch with a suggested first meeting date/time.

Should you need to dispose of plantings in the fall, the Town of Brunswick Public Works Facility, 9 Industry Road, has an area for disposing of yard waste material.  There is no fee.