Questions & Answers

A place for homeowners and interested site guests to ask questions of the Board, Officers, Property Manager, Service Providers or even the Webmaster.

Q: Will the website contain any personal data?
A: No, this site will not publish any phone numbers, addresses or email addresses of individual homeowners.

Q: Where can I find the Botany Place Homeowners' Directory?
A: Due to the sensitive nature of this document, we will not be publishing an online version of the Homeowners' Directory. If you need a copy, please contact the Property Manager, Amie Howard.

Q: Can non-BPCOA members access this website?
A: Yes. This site is open to everyone, so you can share any or all of it with friends and family. We chose not to attempt to maintain a user ID and password system, and consequently, there will be nothing confidential available on this site.

Q: Is there a Botany Place resident or Board member willing to speak with a potential resident about living at Botany Place?
Most residents have been approached at one time or another by a potential resident seeking information about living at Botany Place. Each resident has their own opinions and experiences, but most are willing and able to discuss what living here has meant to them. If you are a potential resident and would like to speak to a current home owner about life here, please send an email to and your inquiry will be forwarded.

Q: Can I publicize my church, club or organizational activity to the community via this site?
A: Yes, within reason. Please send your information to the webmaster as full text, pdf or URL format. In case of any questions, the BPCOA Board will be the final arbiter of what can be published on this site. In general, no politically-oriented items will be accepted.

Additional Q&A's may be added from time to time, based on Comments from users. If you have a question, needing an answer, please use the "Comment" button to submit it. Thank you.